Book Review / Business / culture / general / Health / travel / uncategorized2 Min Read
Best Read (or Listen) in a long time!
I just wanted to share this right off the bat and hot off a weekend listening in this case:
While the book was published in 2020, I only stumbled across it recently on the back of a fantastic workshop with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi ( Of Time To Thrive and general self-help and educational fame) and what a bit of luck that was!
I chose the Audible version as I quite like the guy’s manner as an actor and that was a good choice in this case if only for entertainment’s sake.
In summary, this is an excellent read / listen, an extraordinary autobiographical romp through his fifty or so years on this planet and an insightful reflection on life in West Texas which has always held a fascination for me personally.
Better yet, not alone do you get a great story from a great storyteller, but the entire book is liberally sprinkled with bumper sticker wisdom and keen insights delivered in a manner very reminiscent of Zig Ziglar … but more focused on life lessons than multi-level marketing!
My Recommendation:
by Matthew McConaughey (2020)
Not a lot to add – definitely recommended 5/5 etc … Enjoy yawl!
Of Course, If You’re On The Go – You can Always Get This On Your Audible Membership Offer This is my review, I have an Audible Membership and, full disclosure, I may get an affiliate commission if you make a purchase and will be very grateful. Thank you and enjoy.
Full Disclosure
Normally I would have a place to Click Below to see where you can go to purchase a hard copy, digital or audible version of this great book – by the way, full disclosure, as an Amazon Associate, I can make a small stipend when you use this link to make a purchase.
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