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    Green From Green – Profiting From The Energy Transition

    3 Min Read
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    Green From Green – Profiting From The Energy Transition (Homes and Small Businesses)

    In an era when sustainability must deliver profitability, ‘Green From Green – Profiting From The Energy Transition – Homes & Small Businesses’ is your guide to the energy transition.
    With some unashamed self-promotion, I want to bring this new publication to your attention – my first by the way!!! I hope you like it and even more, that the book unravels some of the ‘hot air, smoke and mirrors’ that is the current news around going green and the energy transition.
    Recently published on Kindle Version and in paperback via Amazon, I am hoping that this will serve as a good reference to anyone who wants a better understanding of the energy transition, the whys and wherefores of the move that will impact all of us… and, more importantly, where homeowners and small businesses can profit or at least fund their journey to a greener future.
    The following is an outline of what you can expect:

    In an era where sustainability meets profitability, ‘Green From Green – Profiting From The Energy Transition… Homes & Small Businesses’ is your essential guide to harnessing the power of renewable energy.

    Dive into the future with Chapter 1 provides a comprehensive introduction to the energy transition, and discover lucrative opportunities in Chapter 2 for your home. Chapter 3 reveals how to turn energy efficiency into a profitable venture, while Chapter 4 provides tailor-made renewable solutions for small businesses. Gain the insights to navigate the complex policy and regulatory landscape with ease in Chapter 5, ensuring that you stay ahead of the curve.

    Whether you’re a home or a small business owner, this book offers actionable insights and practical strategies to help you survive the energy transition and thrive in the green economy.

    Don’t just go green—go green and profit from it!

    If there is a drawback in the book it is that to keep it to a sensible size, I mainly refer to US regulations and grant mechanisms, but generally, the driving principle of the UN and the International Regulations are the same for everyone and in any case will change regularly as we learn more and move ahead. The principles are the same everywhere so I hope this book will prove useful to everyone who dares to buy it.

    Available on AMAZON and AMAZON KINDLE at a much reduced PROMOTIONAL PRICE (+ Shipping in the case of the paperback)
    Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it – any comments, recommendations or requests for more information are welcome.

    Of Course, If You’re On The Go – You can Always Get This On Your Audible Membership Offer

    This is my review, I have an Audible Membership and, full disclosure, I may get an affiliate commission if you make a purchase and will be very grateful. Thank you and enjoy.

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