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    Jim’s Great Reads / Listens: Investment Strategies and ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’

    4 Min Read

    One of the most popular investment books ever written, The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason is a timeless classic that has helped millions around the world invest wisely and grow their wealth over time! This book tells readers about nine simple steps to financial success–planning your budgeting process carefully before you start investing or spending any money at all; setting aside 10% for savings as well as another 25% which can go into investments (which may include stocks); being honest with others while also holding true within yourself when it comes down to giving back what’s left over after everything else is taken care off first: 50%.

    In George Samuel Clason’s classic 1926 book, “Babylon was one of the greatest cities in all antiquity, but it had a problem. It wasn’t poor—but many of its people were.” This collection of ‘Babylonian parables‘ was hailed on its arrival in the marketplace as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, financial security and protecting personal wealth, or “building your moat” as Berkshire Hathaway would advise.

    Although the classic has been around for more than 80 years, it is evergreen. Its message about saving and investing is just as relevant today as they were in ancient times when this book was written.

    I originally bought the book following a Financial Mastery course with Tony Robbins back in the early nineties and have since gifted it to my two children who are now in college and hopefully will, in turn, gift a copy to their kids – that’s how highly I would rate this book.

    Throughout the book, we learn that there are laws that govern money, and they have been around since ancient Babylon. When you follow them correctly, the world is your oyster—money will come to you naturally!

    We measure our success in life by how much money we have accumulated and retained. The more wealth you accumulate, the better off you are on Earth. Money is governed today just like it was thousands of years ago when successful men walked through Babylonian streets. Money makes possible the enjoyment of the best that Mother Earth affords to us.

    Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws that govern its acquisition … and retention.

    Money is the primary indicator of worldly success. It lets you experience all that Earth has to offer through its luxuries and conveniences, like how gravity works on earth even today. Successful people have always followed laws exactly similar to those controlling money during ancient Babylon when rich merchants walked around streets and markets just like we do now in our times with evidence from Gravity’s Law too.

    Fortune telling has changed over the years. Now, rather than using a crystal ball or tarot cards to predict your future, you can read this short book, or indeed listen to the eBook version and discover how best to manage money and secure wealth for yourself!

    Through these entertaining tales of merchants, tradesmen, herdsmen etc., You’ll learn how to keep more out of what you earn; get out of debt; put your money to work to attract good luck choose wise investments to safeguard a lasting fortune.

    The lessons contained in ‘The Richest Man in Babylon‘ are as important today as they were thousands of years ago. This classic is a must-read for anyone looking to inspire their own financial success and I would highly recommend it!

    Jim’s Book of the Month Rating:

    This classic deserves a full five out of five stars for its timeless advice and ease of use – and indeed this is consistent with numerous (5000+) online reviews on at the time of writing!

    Concluding paragraph:

    In summary, this classic is an excellent read for anyone looking to better understand how personal finance works and strategies you can implement today to grow your wealth over time, build a secure future for you and your family, and if you’re so inclined go on to build yourself a future of time, location and financial freedom.

    Recommended both in book and digital, audio-book form (free with an Audible Trial)

    Of Course, If You’re On The Go – You can Always Get This On Your Audible Membership Offer This is my review, I have an Audible Membership and, full disclosure, I may get an affiliate commission if you make a purchase and will be very grateful. Thank you and enjoy.

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