Better Exchange Rates Tag Archive

  • I Used To Like Remitly Until Today…

    2 Min Read

    I used to like Remitly,  and used them for family and personal funds transfers over the last 3-4 years with few problems and certainly none of the charges that we see with ‘normal’ high street banks… great service, great rates, low fees – just like it says on the tin…

    until today!

    A straightforward transfer to a colleague overseas became a three-hour ordeal of questions and answers to the point where I actually became suspicious – all in the name of my personal security (???) and compliance (another spurious excuse in my opinion)

    Anyway, the upshot of the morning work was that my small transfer and it was small, was not allowed through because, in the opinion of the inquisitor, the transaction looked like a business transaction…

    I mean what?….

    So now I wait ten days at least to get my money back and am just fizzing – Remitly has gone way down in my estimate, no matter what their excuse. They have no right to pry, inconvenience and waste people’s time in the manner in which they did mine today.

    Anyway, saying that, if you are transferring funds to friends and family, and want to avoid the exorbitant transfer fees and usurious exchange rates of the banks, credit card agencies, transfer agencies and such, you could do much worse than Remitly… their pretty good in their niche service area and I’m probably just mad at them for the inconvenience:-)

    Try them yourself – Remitly

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