First Things First – The Intro
If you want to be successful, you will need more than luck. The most important ingredient for success is not talent – it is discipline. Discipline is the key that unlocks the door of opportunity and without it, all your other talents are wasted.
There are many ways to develop the habit of discipline but we believe that one of the best ways to do it is to learn to manage our time effectively. That’s why we would like to introduce you to one of the most influential books on time management – First Things First by Stephen R Covey.
Published in 1994, this book has since helped millions of people around the world achieve more success and fulfilment in their lives.
In this article, we will share 10 quotes from Stephen R Covey’s “First Things First” that will change your life.
A Brief Summary
First Things First is a book about time management and how to be successful. The author, Stephen R Covey, shares his thoughts on how to enjoy a more fulfilling and successful life through effective personal management and wise decision-making. He provides clear messages, instructive anecdotes, and concise steps that can be applied by anyone looking to make the most out of their life.
Reading this book made me feel excited about the possibilities that lay ahead for me. It showed me that, with a bit of discipline and organisation, I can achieve anything I want in life. The book is filled with helpful tips and advice which makes it a great read for anyone looking to improve their productivity and life management skills generally.
10 Memorable Takeaways
The following are just ten of the more memorable ‘quotes’ or, probably better described as takeaways, from this timeless and evergreen New York Times Bestseller:
1. The most important ingredient for success is not talent, it’s discipline.
2. Discipline is the key that unlocks the door of opportunity and without it, all your other talents are wasted.
3. You can’t control the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.
4. We can’t control the length of our lives, but we can control the width and depth of our lives.
5. Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.
6. We are not in control of what happens to us, but we are in control of how we react to what happens to us.
7. We can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond to what happens to us.
8. The most important thing is not to be first, but to be second.
9. The most important thing in life is not to win, but to learn.
10. The most important thing in life is not to be a success, but to be a good person.
One specific thing I liked most about the book was the section on “creating a personal mission statement”. This was a very helpful exercise that got me thinking about what is truly important to me in life and what I want to achieve. It was a great way to get started on creating a more meaningful and productive life and focusing on what’s important.
To remind, if you want to be successful, you will need more than luck. The most important ingredient for success is not talent, it’s discipline. Discipline is the key that unlocks the door of opportunity and without it, all your other talents are wasted.
My Recommendation:
by Stephen R Covey (1994)
If you’re looking for a book that will help you achieve more success and fulfilment in your life, then I highly recommend “First Things First” by Stephen R Covey. It’s a great read filled with helpful tips and advice that can be applied by anyone looking to improve their productivity and time management skills.
Of Course, If You’re On The Go – You can Always Get This On Your Audible Membership Offer This is my review, I have an Audible Membership and, full disclosure, I may get an affiliate commission if you make a purchase and will be very grateful. Thank you and enjoy.
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